Let's Play House!
Exterior: Acrylic Paint on Cotton
170 x 120 x 130 cm
Jaspal Birdi, 2018
ACQURIED - STONEFLY Art Collection - Montebelluna, Italy
Inspired by personal fond recollections experienced as a child, Let’s Play House! is an installation of a fort emanating the relative influence of the past to ones relation and actions towards humanity into adulthood. The exterior hand painted on cotton, reads: SPACE LIKE HOME. Recalling the idea of “there’s no place like home”; the text is an invitation to re-imagine and rethink our present lived realities, both physical and virtual, and how contemporary social structures are effecting communities.

Let's Play House!
Preliminary Sketches
India ink on paper
Jaspal Birdi, 2018
Let's Play House!
Interior: Plush, suede, and felt
170 x 120 x 130 cm
Jaspal Birdi, 2018
Inside the fort colours become fluorescent as it is lit by black light, the walls are soft plush, and the ground is cushioned to allowing one to stay comfortably. Once seated the individual(s) has the opportunity to pick up a sketchbook including a few doodles of my personal memories drawn with invisible ink. They are only visible inside the installation under the black light. The sketchbook triggers visitors to relate in their own manner with my memory—re-imagine it for themselves according to their personal experiences. After cognitively processing the existing drawn memories, the individual is welcomed to contribute to the cycle by drawing their own fond memory into the book’s blank pages with the provided invisible ink pens.

Black Light and Invisible Ink Felt Markers
Jaspal Birdi, 2018

Documentation Credit: Federica Pace